Women only adult learn to swim lessons
We recognise the importance of promoting diversity within swimming. National statistics show that 95% of black adults in England do not swim.* Not only is it important for our mental and physical wellbeing but is a vital life skill. For women the barriers are even more challenging. In 2020 we set up a programme to encourage global majority women to learn to swim. We offer learn to swim programmes in a private, fun and welcoming environment.
*Black Swimming Association, 2020
We have 2 Locations for WOMEN ONLY pool sessions - all must be booked in advance.
Hengrove - BEGINNERS, NON SWIMMERS and IMPROVERS Monday morning, 10.00am - 10.45am at Hengrove Leisure Centre, Bristol, BS14 0DE in the teaching pool.
Jubilee Pool - Mixed ability Wednesday evening, 7.00-7.45pm term time only, at Jubilee Pool, Bristol BS4 2LP
Jubilee Pool - Mixed ability Friday lunchtime 1.00-1.45pm term time only, at Jubilee Pool, Bristol BS4 2LP
These are female only sessions and there are blinds down around the pool so no members of public can see into the pool. The only people who access the pool during your session will be female swim teaching staff or female lifeguards.
Cost and booking.
HENGROVE MONDAYS - We offer subsidised learn to swim sessions for adult women of colour at £5 per session. To get the most out of your sessions we ask that you commit to the whole term. Plus, we are often oversubscribed and want to accommodate as many of you as possible.
For booking and information on subsidised places please email Referrals@openmindsactive.org
Improver and Beginner pool sessions.
JUBILEE WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Wednesday evenings we have a small group of improvers and beginners. Cost is £6 per session. Friday lunchtimes we have groups for all abilities and cost is £5 a session Participants are asked to book a term of sessions up front. We will update the website if we have any spare places on any courses.
What to bring
On the Monday session we provide Soul Caps for you to try. These are great swimming hats designed for voluminous hair. Alternatively you can buy your own here.
Other than that you'll just need your swim suit, a towel and some goggles.
We also have some goggles with us that you can try out first before you decide to buy some of your own.
Below you can see the activities we run for open water swimming during the summer months.
During the summer months we run introduction to open water swimming which many of the women have loved trying!

Contact us.
Start your swim journey today and contact one of our team by clicking on the button below. If you want us to call you please leave your mobile number in the message.