Wellbeing for your workforce
Team away days during April - October
Benefits to your organisation.
“For every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions they get £5 back in reduced absence and staff turnover.” (Deloitte 2020)
Engagement in our workshops for your teams can lead to positive mental health through long term behavioural change. We provide practical tools and experiences that:
Enable your workforce to nurture a deeper human connection with nature to sustain positive mental health
Create spaces that boost creativity, resilience and aid reflection
Bring teams closer together through a shared experience in a natural environment
Help organisations to look after the wellbeing of their workforce which in turn reduces sick leave, absenteeism and staff turn over
For booking and our full brochure please email hello@openmindsactive.org
Why it’s important.
“Mental ill health, stress and musculoskeletal problems are the three leading causes of long term absence and all three are associated with a lack of physical activity.”
(CIPD Health and Wellbeing at work survey April 2019)
Maintaining positive mental health and wellbeing has been a challenge for us all in recent years, causing many employees to feel disconnected from their workplace and fellow colleagues, even feeling emotionally ill equipped to do their job. Supporting a healthy and resilient workforce remains a key priority for employers to reduce disruption caused by absenteeism and the cost of high staff turnover. Our approach is person centred, rooted in the latest research and established methodologies.
Our Offer (April to October)
Introduction to Cold Water Swimming Workshop
2 hours
Increasing research shows that regular immersion in cold water has incredible health benefits. This workshop empowers participants with all the information needed to start cold water dipping or swimming. We talk about safety, acclimatisation, the mental and physical health benefits and practical tips followed by an optional dip.
Wellbeing Reset Workshop
2.5 hours
Walking meditation, yoga and swimming.
Connect and reset in nature. This workshop will include a simple walking meditation, Hatha yoga practice and a gentle swim or dip in the lake facilitated by our experienced staff.
Managing Menopause Workshop
3.5 hours
Small group workshop including open discussion with women's health GP, targeted pilates exercises to increase bone health, balance and strength and a cold water dip facilitated by our experienced staff. Equipping you with tools to help navigate all stages of the menopause relieving symptoms and increasing your sense of wellbeing. More details can be found here.
For booking and our full brochure please email hello@openmindsactive.org
Research and Methodology.
Our work is underpinned blending the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ methodology alongside simple CBT techniques, mindfulness and mental health first aid.
Research tells us spending just two hours a week outside in nature makes us happier, but how many of us actually achieve that with our busy working lives? Through our work we aim to provide people with some much-needed time out in nature as well as a positive, engaging experience that leaves them feeling rejuvenated and resilient.
Research indicates that activities such as open water swimming have been proven to reduce symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. Our sessions introduce people to the incredible benefits this huge growth sport provides in a safe and informed way.
Research evidences how immersion in nature can enhance both creative ways of thinking and recharge directed attention needed when developing ideas. Our workshops provide the perfect conditions for teams to connect and innovate.
For booking and our full brochure please email hello@openmindsactive.org